Maintenance and Support

Effective Date: June 28, 2024


1. XRHealth personnel will be available to help Customer and/or Authorized Users (as agreed to in the Order) by phone or email to answer questions regarding the use of the Service and to help identify, verify, and resolve problems with the Service.  

Telephone and email support are available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern time.  

Telephone: +1 (929) 335 6412 


2. Upon receipt of notice of an error, XRHealth will assign a severity level according to the following criteria and use commercially reasonable efforts to respond to and resolve the errors according to the following criteria:  

Severity Level 

Response Time 

Severity A – Severe: an error that results in the Service being substantially non-functional or inoperative.  


Within three (3) hours (during the business day) of being notified of a Severity A defect, XRHealth shall acknowledge its receipt of such notice to Customer.   


XRHealth will use its commercially reasonable efforts to resolve all Severity A defects as soon as possible and will make every commercially reasonable effort to attempt to provide Customer with such correction within one (1) business day, or as otherwise agreed to by the parties. 

Severity B – Medium: an error that results in a decrease in the performance in any functionality of the Service, but does not prevent the Customer from continuing to use the Service. 

Within five (5) hours (during the business day) of being notified of a Severity B defect, XRHealth shall acknowledge its receipt of such notice to Customer.  

XRHealth will use all reasonable commercial means to attempt to provide Customer with such correction within four (4) business days, or as otherwise agreed to by the parties. 

Severity  C – Minor: an error that results in the Service operating or performing other than as described in the Documentation, but which does not have a material adverse effect on the performance of the Service.  

Severity C – corrections for Severity C defects will be available at XRHealth’s discretion. 

XRHealth will use all commercially reasonable efforts to provide corrections for Severity C defects within thirty (30) calendar days of being informed of the problem. 


3. The XRHealth support personnel will ensure that the appropriate resources and level of focus are applied to all Customer requests, to ensure a timely response, and to resolve Customer’s error(s). If Customer is not satisfied with the progress of a support request, Customer may request escalation. The escalation process includes additional levels of XRHealth management, and procedure reviews and resource prioritization are brought to focus to resolve Customer’s support request. 

4. Customer may submit multiple requests; however, each request must be submitted separately. With separate tickets, XRHealth will provide support for each issue based on the severity levels specified herein. If issues are not submitted directly to Help Desk Support through the XRHealth support portal, the issue may receive a lower priority.