Fibromyalgia Treatment: Evidence-Based VR Therapy
Telehealth Enhanced With Virtual Reality Fibromyalgia Treatment
Drug-free fibromyalgia treatment from the comfort of your home

Do you struggle with fibromyalgia? Has this little-understood condition ravaged your body for years? Are you at the point where you wonder if it’s even possible to take back control of your tired, sore body and mind?
Fibromyalgia — nicknamed “fibro” — can leave you feeling stiff and tender as aching joints, sore muscles, and troublesome tendons trigger widespread pain. This can make it difficult to locate a pain-free spot!
To make matters worse, psychological challenges (anxiety and depression) mix with physical symptoms like:
- brain fog
- premenstrual syndrome
- painful periods
- restless sleep
- inexplicable fatigue
- irritable bowel syndrome
Little wonder so many fibro sufferers find their condition demoralizing, even devastating.
If this ‘invisible’ illness has reached its grip into your personal and professional lives, we get it. When the sole thing you’re capable of is being curled up in bed, doing life becomes a nightmare.
But don’t despair. You CAN get your life back with evidence-based treatment.

The Latest Treatment for Fibromyalgia
While fibromyalgia is pervasive, reaching into every aspect of health, this condition no longer needs to rule your life.
Research on this mystery condition is emerging everyday. As a result, drug-free options are becoming increasingly available.
Common approaches to managing symptoms include:
- cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
- mindfulness practices
- nutrition changes like switching to an anti-inflammatory plant-based diet
- medications including pain relievers, certain SSRI antidepressants, and muscle relaxants
- medical cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD)
- gentle exercise
- and now virtual reality (VR).
Virtual Reality Therapy for Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia therapy shouldn’t be elusive, ineffective, or expensive. The right treatment must be steeped in evidence, proven through use, and harness the power of an actionable, sustainable approach. After all, if the “care” hurts, why would you continue?
Fibromyalgia treatment options have come a long way in the past few years. Virtual reality applications — like those we use at XRHealth — have been shown to be an efficient tool in the relief of pain. When incorporated with other therapeutic treatments, many of our patients:
- regain their clarity of thought, physical function and psychological health
- rediscover their mojo
- and live with significantly less pain.
At XRHealth, we believe the latest treatment for fibromyalgia is on your doorstep… or should we say, computer screen.
One of our physical or occupational therapists will assess your health and function thoroughly. A personalized treatment plan will be designed specifically for you. From there, appropriate therapies and interventions will be recommended.
Conventional approaches are combined with state-of-the-art technology. You’ll enjoy regular video calls with your fibromyalgia specialist, have access to in-app messaging, and your progress will be intermittently re-assessed so that evidence-based updates can be recommended. This promotes a cycle of success and relief.
Reduce Your Fibromyalgia Symptoms With VR at Home

Our digital VR therapy is enjoyable and engaging. Instead of dreading therapy, you’re bound to look forward to “playing games” that promote your physical and psychological well-being.

Research shows that VR therapy may be an effective approach for managing fibromyalgia. As you engage in our playful interventions, your brain can adapt to calm discomfort and dysfunction thanks to a process called neuroplasticity.

Guidance from a trained expert promotes success. You’ll speak with your dedicated therapist regularly for personalized therapy. Then, between sessions, you can text to ask questions or discuss your progress.

What's included?
- VR headset sent to your home
- Video calls and in-app messaging with your dedicated XRHealth therapist
- Personalized plan-of-care, consistently updated based on your progress
Are You Eligible for Fibromyalgia Treatment?
- If you suffer from fibromyalgia and have experienced inexplicable pain for three months or more, you could be an ideal candidate for VR therapy
- If you are aged 12 or up, VR therapy is available
Note: Our medical VR applications treat certain health conditions, including fibromyalgia. While exceedingly rare, if treatment is contraindicated due to another medical condition, we will let you know

Where do we operate?
We provide services in MA, CA, FL, IL, GA, NY, and NJ.
In MA, we work with Tufts, Harvard Pilgrim, BCBS, Medicare, and Allways insurance providers.
Medicare also covers members in FL, CA, IL. In IL, we work with BCBS PPO.