Discover our catalogue of experiences 

Physical & Cognitive Space
eXperience Space
Mental Health Space

Physical & Cognitive Space


Neck exercises application providing measurements and metrics including range of motion, smoothness of the motion and improvement over time.

VRCogni MC-320

FDA Registered

UDI: 07290016986099


Balloon Blast

Upper Extremity Rehabilitation and Active Shoulder ROM Assessment.

VRPhysio MT-220

FDA Registered

UDI: 7290016986082



Fun and innovative way to enjoy an intensive VR full-body workout. Stand and fight off the pounds in the virtual arena.​



Cognitive Training Application for executive functions and memory span.



Full body  motor-cognitive conventional rehabilitation, ABI and upper extremity.

VRCogni MC-320 (Color Match)

FDA Registered

UDI: 7290016986075


Koji’s Quest

In Koji’s Quest you train your cognitive skills as calculation, attention, executive functioning, memory and visuospatial functioning.



Healing media center app, based on a variety of proven wellness and cognitive therapy methods. The app promotes meditation and relaxation.

VRReliever PD-810

FDA Registered

UDI: 7290016986136



Symptom management with CBT. Engage the brain using an AI therapist to assist in the mitigation of pain, hot flashes and physical discomfort through distraction and supporting exercises.

VRReliever CB-510

FDA Registered

UDI: 7290016986068



Meditation exercises assisting with relaxation and self-management of pain including guided meditations and breathing techniques.

VRReliever MD-710

FDA Registered

UDI: 7290016986129



Reducept is an end-to-end pain education and management program for healthcare professionals


eXperience Space

Guided Meditation – Creativity

Guided meditation about creativity. Instructor name: Nathaniel. Location: A rocky coast in Koh Kood, Thailand


Guided Meditation – Success

Guided meditation about success. Instructor name: Nathaniel. Location: A rocky coast in Koh Kood, Thailand


Sensory Awareness

Embark on a journey of relaxation, as we awaken and embrace your five senses. Explore a world of heightened awareness and tranquility.


Start the Day

Specifically for morning, a guided imagery focused on the sunrise as a symbol of renewal, energy and the opportunity for healing


The Serene Lake

For general relaxation; uses the image of floating on clouds above a beautiful lake; invites the patient to see from a higher perspective


Evening Calm

Drift into a world of peaceful sleep with our guided imagery, designed to create the perfect ambiance for a restful evening and a rejuvenating sleep.


Restful Nights

Drift into dreamland under a canvas of stars and constellations with our guided imagery, inviting you into a realm of deep sleep and peaceful rest.


Guided Meditation – Love

Guided meditation about love. Instructor name: Sky. Location: A rocky coast in Hilo, Hawaii


Guided Meditation – Five Senses

Guided meditation to focus on the five senses. Instructor name: Dani. Location: A rocky coast in Hilo, Hawaii


Guided Meditation – Freedom

Guided meditation about freedom. Instructor name: Dani. Location: A rocky coast in Hilo, Hawaii


Mental Health Space

Diaphragmatic breathing underwater in the ocean

This underwater environment helps teach patients diaphragmatic breathing with the support of an auditory and visual guide.


Diaphragmatic breathing in a meadow

This virtual meadow experience aids diaphragmatic breathing training with the support of an auditory and visual guide.


Progressive muscle relaxation

This virtual environment can teach your patient how to practice progressive muscle relaxation through tension relaxation exercises ordered by muscle groups.


Imagery for relaxation

This environment takes the patient on a walk along a beautiful island. As the patient walks, they can engage in relaxation exercises while enveloped in the soothing sounds of the sea.


Underwater in the ocean

This environment simulates a calming sensation of being submerged under the sea, where your patient can experiment with different forms of relaxation.


The rocky coast

360 stereoscopic video located in a rocky coastal area very close to a calm sea. Visually and aurally enveloping environment.


The wetlands

360 stereoscopic video located in a wetland. Visually and aurally enveloping environment.


Path in the mountain

360 stereoscopic video located on a path in the middle of a tall mountain. Visually and aurally enveloping environment.


Creek in the mountain

360 stereoscopic video located in a mountain creekVisually and aurally enveloping environment.


Wetlands Beach

360 stereoscopic video located in a wetlandon a beach near the sea. Visually and aurally enveloping environment