Platform: eXperience Space

  • Luna

    May 9, 2024
    Symptom management with CBT. Engage the brain using an AI therapist to assist in the mitigation of pain, hot flashes…
  • Relax8

    May 9, 2024
    Meditation exercises assisting with relaxation and self-management of pain including guided meditations and breathing techniques. VRReliever MD-710 FDA Registered UDI:…
  • Dolphins Guided Meditation

    May 9, 2024
    Guided by mediation, come swim with the dolphins in an immersive healing journey
  • Seals Healing Experience

    May 9, 2024
    Join the seals on a peaceful healing experience
  • Seal it with a Kiss

    May 9, 2024
    Meet the seals on an immersive healing experience