Patricia Olivé “VR is the future and we need to adapt and take full advantage of new developments”

Amelia Virtual Care Ambassador

Patricia Olivé “VR is the future and we need to adapt and take full advantage of new developments”

Patricia Olivé is a clinical psychologist at the Ramón Llull University of Barcelona and a specialist in the treatment of anxiety disorders in young people and adults. His 11 years of experience have contributed to being able to train in numerous specialties, among them, juvenile-youth psychology, contextual therapies, mindfulness and together with Amelia Virtual Care in digital therapies.

Patricia Olivé began her career at the Center for Juvenile Health of the Hospital de Mataró (Barcelona) but for 6 years she has been a psychotherapist in the private sector in Barcelona in her own practice dedicated to the treatment of anxiety disorders. Olivé works in his consultation from a cognitive-behavioral and contextual approach in third-generation therapies, ACT) with integrative airs that combine techniques of both psychological orientations based on the evidence of the results.

They add a total of 4 years that Amelia Virtual Care accompanies Patricia in her consultation in Barcelona “Amelia Virtual Care has allowed me to differentiate myself from the majority of psychologists who continued using conventional treatments, virtual reality has helped me to have more tools to help a number older patients ”. Olivé has incorporated Amelia Virtual Care to all his treatments, although the environments he uses most are to treat the phobia of flying, claustrophobia, fear of driving, darkness, and ADHD. All his therapies incorporate Amelia Virtual Care thanks to the environments designed to work relaxation techniques and Mindfulness.

“Amelia Virtual Care offers multiple benefits, it is versatile and effective, it is a technology that is booming, which I think will grow and evolve a lot in the coming years. It is the future and we need to adapt and take full advantage of new developments. ”

Patricia Olivé guides and accompanies her patients in the process of change and personal development and offers new ways to solve the problems and achieve the goal that allows them to enjoy a life fully and without limits.


Dónde encontrar a Patricia Olivé:

+34 636 775 139


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