5 Tips to Help With Your Treatment Adherence & Compliance

VR in Healthcare

Quality healthcare and your ability to achieve the results you deserve depend, in part, on treatment compliance— On being able to stick to the plan, so to speak.

While it would be lovely if a solitary consultation could transform your biology, recovery just doesn’t happen like this. It can’t… because it’s not the way we, humans, are designed.

Healing is a process, not an event.

You can observe this when you cut a finger. First, a clot forms to stem the bleeding. Then the edges seamlessly stitch together. Over time, the continued work-a-bee repair system mends the wound. Much of the restoration can’t be seen because it happens below the visible skin. But, once complete, your finger is all but brand spanking new.

This incredible feat of biological engineering is ingenious.

However, recovering from conditions that are more complicated than the small cut requires

  • support
  • persistence
  • and planning.

Treatment also requires

  • feedback
  • change
  • and treatment adherence.

You’ve got to hang in there and do the work. Just as you won’t build big muscles by not going to the gym, you won’t recover by not attending your appointments!

Yet, there’s a hefty but. Many people stop appropriate care before achieving the benefits they deserve. Treatment non-compliance is a big deal and can lead to serious consequences. An article published in the journal, Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, reported that, “In some disease conditions, more than 40% of patients sustain significant risks by misunderstanding, forgetting, or ignoring healthcare advice.

The good news is there is hope. If you’ve tried treatments before but found it difficult to maintain your motivation… If life has gotten busy and you’ve let your care go…

If you’ve wondered if the expense is worth the investment… Or if you’ve simply found the process too mundane to sustain therapy compliance, we’re excited that you’re here! Cutting edge technology has changed the equation to place it firmly in your favor.

Soon, we’ll share the remarkable benefits of an evidence-based approach that has changed the game. You’ll learn how you can maximize your results through easy therapy compliance. But first, it’s important to understand what we’re talking about.

What is Treatment Compliance and Adherence?

Some experts use these terms interchangeably. Others argue that compliance and adherence are different and, as with most things, the devil is in the detail. For us, the former is perfectly fine.

With this in mind, the World Health Organization defines adherence as “The extent to which a person’s behavior — taking medication, following a diet, and/or executing lifestyle changes, corresponds with agreed recommendations from a health care provider.

So, ask yourself. “Am I following the recommendations given by my health professional to a tee?” Are you taking the path that will give you the best results in the shortest timeframe, or not?

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Top Reasons for Treatment Non-Compliance

upper back pain | Treatment compilance

Treatment non compliance — the “not” — can occur for a raft of reasons. Here are the most common traps.

1. Treatment is boring

No one said the journey to wellness is filled with ease and excitement. Appointments can feel boring. When the magic flickers out, you may feel like quitting.

Tip: At XRHealth, we harness the cutting edge technology of virtual reality therapy (VR). The result is recovery that’s fun! Rather than the usual trudge, you might find you need to stop yourself from overtraining.

2. Treatment can be expensive

When treatment costs build up people may step away from care. The trouble is that treatment non-compliance, particularly insufficient care, will negatively impact your results. The long-term costs of inaction often vastly outweigh the investment in a return to health.

Tip: Quality healthcare will often be covered by insurance. If not, affordable choices should be available. You can learn more about our insurers and plans here.

3. Treatment often hurts!

Sometimes treatment just plain hurts! Understandably, painful care is enough to turn most people off. But, it doesn’t need to be this way.

Advanced technology is available that tracks your movements, guides your progress, and provides your therapist with actionable data. This helps to keep you safe and comfortable.

Tip: At XRHealth, we specialize in pain management so we know a lot about what causes pain, how far to safely coax the boundaries, and how to minimize (or avoid) discomfort. Our VR tech informs our treatment to keep you at ease.

4. The burden of travel makes treatment feel like a chore

Committing to treatment has traditionally required a two-way commute. This additional demand can make therapy compliance difficult. This commute is particularly difficult if your work hours are long, family commitments limit your time, life is busy, the location is far, or traveling is burdensome due to illness or injury.

Tip: High-quality care provided through cyberspace has exploded in recent times! At XRHealth, we use an online clinic to treat our patients for a range of behavioral, cognitive, and physical health conditions.

5. The risk of COVID-19 may be heightened in clinics

In light of the pandemic, attending face-to-face appointments comes with additional risks, especially if multiple patients are waiting in the corridor in close quarters. This is especially challenging for those who are immunocompromised. As a result,  some people have stopped receiving the treatment they need for optimal recovery. 

Tip: Online treatment is possible for many conditions. Where available, this offers a wonderful, safe option.

5 Helpful Treatment Compliance Tips

Okay, now you know why treatment adherence is key: it’s the thing that will help you find relief and recover well. You also know the common pitfalls. So, how can you boost compliance? How can you stick to your tailored plan even when the going gets tough?

Here are the 5 tips our patients find most meaningful.

1. Ask for for help

When your motivation falters, your family and friends can step in to provide timely support. After all, your loved ones want the best for you. Ask them to support you through this journey. Then, when you need encouragement, reach out

2. Try a customized treatment approach

The truth is this: an off-the-shelf treatment plan won’t give you the best results.

No matter how great the production quality of your YouTube instructional video is, if it’s not made for your exact circumstances and biology, it can’t provide you with the most favorable outcomes.

Instead, find a qualified, registered health professional who specializes in your condition. They will assess and then re-assess you, provide custom treatment, and tweak your plan as needed. Then, follow this advice carefully. Your progress will inspire you to continue.

3. Consider the costs

When deciding which treatment path to follow, consider the costs upfront…

  • What will you lose by not getting the best care?
  • What will you gain by pursuing therapy?
  • Can you afford the recommended treatment, or can you find a way to invest comfortably?

If you are constantly worried that you’ve made the wrong choice or that you’ll soon run out of money, treatment non-compliance and the failure that accompanies it won’t be too far behind. Instead, consider the costs and decide on your path at the beginning of care.

4. Get clear communication and education about your health

Research has shown that knowledge about, and understanding of, your treatment plan, along with clear and effective communication between yourself and your health professional are essential for your success. This connection and education can also help you stick to your plan because you know the reasons for your goals.

Clear communication and education are built into XRHealth’s approach. Our advanced technology provides feedback and you get to see your own data. You can track changes in your body that aren’t measurable through other forms of treatment. That’s very cool (and our patients love it)!

5. Make your treatment fun and rewarding!

Improving your health doesn’t need to be filled with drudgery. In fact, boredom is sure to stifle progress. No-one loves to endlessly push.

Instead, flip this around. Opt for fun activities; approaches that bring joy. Targeted video games, for example, have proven beneficial.

Then, reward yourself following treatment. This activates your brain’s dopamine-linked reward center. In the process, you’ll cement a relationship between positive behavior, treatment, and feeling good; the emotional response to the reward. Doing so rewires your brain to promote success and recovery. Just ensure you choose a healthy reward!

The Treatment Compliance Takeaway

While treatment compliance may sound like a clinical concept, the outcome for patients — for you — is very real. Your understanding of your condition increases, your knowledge about how to gain back control jumps, and your chances of recovery skyrocket.

By engaging support, focusing on a customized treatment approach, considering the costs (both financial and that of inaction), giving and receiving clear communication, obtaining targeted education, and harnessing the power of fun, you’ll be well on your way to the best results in the shortest timeframe.

Want to speak with a team member about therapy options you can stick to? Call us at 857-990-6111 Ext. 1 or register for a call.

Let’s Stay in Touch!




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